Monday, May 18, 2009

Weekend Update

Who would have thought? That after our crazy weather this would be so beautiful! That's Louisiana weather!!!

Our weekend was once again, quite eventful. We dodged sun, we dodged rain, we dodged cold. Crazy!

I wasn't very satisfied with the original pictures that I took for Konner's birthday, so we attempted a re shoot at Sugar Mill Pond. (Take that River Ranch!) They came out a little better, but not great. It was almost 90 degrees outside and Konner wasn't having it. After he decided to nose dive off of a step, we knew it was time to go.

Saturday night was pretty interesting. After a few nights of Konner fighting his sleep and waking up a lot, I decided to try teething tablets again. (I'm not a big fan of giving him Motrin a lot) On the bottle, it clearly states that the tablets will relieve pain caused by teething and your baby will more than likely sleep for a longer period of time. This is due to the fact that they are comfortable. Well, apparently Konner is that 1% that has the opposite effect. It was very obvious that he was free of pain. His eyes were very heavy and he had a constant smile on his face. (You know...the look of a drunk man eyeing that hot girl) 8:00 pm is his usual bedtime. Still awake. 9:00 pm...still awake. Around 9:30 I noticed he was in "la la land" and just taring at the TV. So I rocked him a bit and put him to bed. Yeah right! He was not ready. He cried and screamed. So I stopped playing Farm Town went get him and rocked him again. Still not sleepy. So Konner and I played farm town until 11:00pm. baby went to sleep at 11:00 pm! Needless to say, he slept all night. (Thank God!) find something that he will eat besides Macaroni and Yogurt.

Our My plans for Sunday were to sleep as late as possible Konner would allow and head back to Sugar Mill Pond for one last attempt. And Yay! worked. Konner was in the best mood and we took awesome pictures. (Despite the cold and misty weather)

After pictures, we headed to Kristin's (Ben's girlfriend) graduation party. After seven years of college she is now a graduate. Congrats!

Did I mention that it was 55 degrees this morning? Louisiana...May...55 degrees...doesn't make sense!

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