Friday, April 24, 2009


Bubbie will be 11 months in just a few short days. Twelve days to be exact. Wow how time flies. Not only does that mean he is growing waaaay too fast. It also means I have put off losing this "baby body" way too long. I hear it all the time..."You look so good." "You've lost all of the weight." Yeah, not so much! I might be at a good weight, but it definitely stuck in the wrong places. Now don't get me wrong, I would be happy with any extra amount of weight because I have the most beautiful excuse (AKA Konner), but it's got to go. What made my decision to do something about it is the warm weather approaching VERY quickly. I attempted to purchase a swim suit last week. Yeah...not such a great idea. It just made me cringe. And trying on shorts today didn't help much either. I know it could be so much worse, but when you've never had to worry about what you ate or how much you exercise, it's a little disturbing to see your body this way now. So my answer to this cry for help???

ZUMBA! I've heard about it briefly but it wasn't until recently that I looked into it. Here's a bit about Zumba...

Zumba® fuses hypnotic latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program that will blow you away. Our goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. Zumba® Fanatics achieve long term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exhilarating hour of caloric-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life!

The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms, and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you've got Zumba®!

So there you have it! June's Dancers offers classes 3 times a week. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Each class is an hour long. There is no set schedule or time frame as far as learning routines. You just arrive 10 minutes before your first session, sign up and VOILA! They use a punch card system which allows you to attend classes at your availability. Very convenient!

I can't wait to start!!!

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