Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weekend update

I know it's Tuesday but for my entertainment, let's pretend it's Monday. This past weekend was awesome! After our spurt of nasty weather, we had a gorgeous weekend. Hot, but gorgeous. Our Saturday was spent at the UL Baseball game. Konner's first game.

Bubbie in his new hat

My boys

Me and Monkey ManHe was a bit tired towards the end.

We definately got a bit of sun. And I have to add that Mitchell had to be a man and refused to use sunscreen. I have visual evidence of the consequences, but I'll spare him (and you). Let's just say his description was right on. "I look like half crawfish, half loose leaf paper."

More of my weekend entertainment consisted of fabric. And lots of it! After my grandma's passing a little over a year ago, my grandpa was left with loads and loads of her sewing supplies. And he is letting us go through it. How awesome! It's like Christmas for me. There's a ton of vintage fabrics and old buttons. Drawers of sewing and embroidery thread.

And have I mentioned that I LOVE Spring!?!?!?! Sunday I started a mini herb garden and planted a few petunias.

Now let's just hope this cold weather we are having doesn't kill them. Really though...only in Louisiana will it be 80 degrees one day and 36 the next. Crazy!

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