Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday! Monday! Monday!

Not only is it Monday, it's also the day after Easter. Back to work after a looong weekend. We had a great time visiting with the family. We went to my grandmother's (my Mom's Mom) on Saturday. Ate lots of food and played Botchi (spelling?) ball.

Sunday was Konner's first Easter so the first thing we did was give him his basket. Of course he was more interested in the eggs and grass then the actual presents. And yes, I was smart and didn't go overboard because I knew that's exactly what would happen. After his morning nap we headed to the 'Ponderosa' first a huge feast and then made our rounds to the great-grandparents and Nana's house.

Did I mention that it's next to impossible to get a decent picture of a 10 month old that is learning to crawl??? And his new ability to clap and say 'yay' doesn't help the situation. But Oh I could just eat him up. Can't you just hear him in that last picture?!?! "Yay!"

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

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