Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Melissa and Doug

I'm (slowly) making Konner's Christmas wish list at Toys R Us and Target. I say slowly because it's proven to be a lot more difficult than last year. Apparently there aren't many options for his age group. I use the word options very reluctantly. There are actually plenty of options, just not much in the form of educational and worthwhile. Just your typical everyday "junky" toys.

While browsing online at, I came across a few unique, educational and functional toys. My favorites are made by Melissa & Doug . They have the neatest, most creative toys from learning blocks, to sushi sets to realistic kitchens. I mean, what kid doesn't want a sushi set? :) They even have the most adorable puppet theaters.

So props to Melissa & Doug (whoever you are) for having awesome products and props to Target for carrying so many of these awesome products.

1 comment:

  1. If you like these types of products, please consider trying Holgate Toys ( The company has an amazing history (Norman Rockwell's brother was the company's first toy designer and Mister Rogers choose the company to make the Neighborhood Trolley), the toys are made in the US of natural wood, they are guaranteed for life and all have safety certifications. They are the little-known gem of the toy world.
