Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is a gorgeous day! Perfect Thanksgiving weather. The sky is blue, the wind is cool. Just beautiful!
In spirit of this Thanksgiving season, I will skip "I Want" Wednesday. Instead, I will give you my list of things I am thankful for:
My handsome, happy, (not so) healthy, smart, loving little boy.
My great boyfriend.
My wonderful family.
Fantastic friends.
Grey's Anatomy.
Cell phones.
Coca Cola.
Reese's peanut butter cups.
...the list goes on and on
And I do have to mention that I am extremely thankful (especially today) for D-Hist.
Yes, D-Hist. Without this miracle anti-histamine, I think my head would explode. It leaves me with a dry, burning nose and an extreme case of cotton mouth, but it's SO worth it! Every last burning , dry sensation is worth the relief it gives.
So thanks D-Hist! :D
Please remember to return next week for more of my bratty list of "Wants"!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

"I Want" Wednesday ( on Thursday)

So I missed a day. Oops! :) That's OK, right?

So here goes it...

"I Want":

(Don't be surprised if you see repeats. That just means I really, really want it)

Chick fil-a
Boiled Crawfish
(I'm hungry)
a zoom lens for my SLR
All the funky jewelry at Gadzooks
Leopard rain boots
a Serger
Green bean casserole
(did I mention I was hungry?)
To decorate for Christmas
Snow (But just for a day)
A lifetime supply of Reese's peanut butter cups
my flat tummy back
Continuous kisses from my little dude!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Melissa and Doug

I'm (slowly) making Konner's Christmas wish list at Toys R Us and Target. I say slowly because it's proven to be a lot more difficult than last year. Apparently there aren't many options for his age group. I use the word options very reluctantly. There are actually plenty of options, just not much in the form of educational and worthwhile. Just your typical everyday "junky" toys.

While browsing online at, I came across a few unique, educational and functional toys. My favorites are made by Melissa & Doug . They have the neatest, most creative toys from learning blocks, to sushi sets to realistic kitchens. I mean, what kid doesn't want a sushi set? :) They even have the most adorable puppet theaters.

So props to Melissa & Doug (whoever you are) for having awesome products and props to Target for carrying so many of these awesome products.

"Buddy the Elf. What's your favorite color?"

I absolutely, positively ♥ Christmas time. Everything about it! Decorating the tree, looking at Christmas lights, Wrapping presents, Egg Nog, Christmas Music, and ...

"Elf!" My absolute favorite Christmas movie!!! I look forward to the annual non stop "Elf" marathons on TV. It never gets old.

I find myself quoting the movie on a daily basis.

"Buddy the Elf. What's you favorite color?"

Ahhh!!! I just can't get enough!

And if non stop marathons on TV aren't enough, Movies in the Parc is showing "Elf" on November 28. Woo Hoo! We will be there for sure!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"I Want" Wednesday

So I decided to start something new. I've seen blog writers embrace the topic of "Not Me Monday", and I decided to change it up a bit with a topic of my own. So every (hopefully) Wednesday I will write my "I Want" list. A list of materialistic, emotional, or just every day things. Some lists may sound bratty. Some may sound reasonable. Say may be fulfilled. Some may not. Either way, it's MY "I Want" list.

(Please have your best sense of humor ready before entering "I Want" Wednesday. This is meant to be entertaining.)

"I Want":

-To win the lottery
- A Great Dane
- A Mac Computer
- A photography studio
- A healthy baby boy
- Konner to walk :)
- A BMW (or an Audi, or a Range Rover, or a CTS)
- an iPhone
- My own house
- Dark tan "riding" boots
- Free Coca Cola for life
- My own sushi chef
- An avocado tree (They do grow on trees right???)
- A "celebrity" closet ( You know! The walk in ones with a shelf for every shoe and a drawer for every sock)

So...that's my list for today.

What do you want?

Happy Veterans Day!

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
~Elmer Davis

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


That's the best word to explain how I feel right today. Yuck! I can't breathe. I can't taste. I can't smell. And I can feel my ears stopping up. (Which will turn into: I can't hear.)

Thank God for the following:

Heating Pad

Neil Med Sinus Rinse



Orange Powerade

(The only kind I drink)

Quiznos Soup

Let's hope this clears up soon so that I don't have to take a trip to Dr. Butaud's office.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sweet Sushi

With all the rave about sushi (and yes, I rave about it constantly) this new idea is just PERFECT!

Sweet sushi!

How adorable would this be as a dessert for a cockatil party? Or a Christmas party?

It seems so simple. And looks so adorable. I can't wait to have an excuse to make it.
Instructions and ideas are here at Brownie Points.

Update: the link to Brownie Points was not working. It should access the page now.

If there's a bug, he's got it

Konner that is. If there's a bug going around, he's guaranteed to catch it. And I don't mean bees, flies, love bugs, etc. I mean colds, flu, 'ickyness'. Whatever you want to call it. And this week is no different.

After a pointless visit with his pediatricians office, we finally made it in to see Dr. Kate. (The most amazing doctor I have ever had to deal with) She is very thorough with Konner and understands his history. I love her!

Anyway, she informed me that Konner has the start of a viral infection. Along with this, he has four teeth coming out, tonsillitis and ulcers on the back of his tongue. He lost about 2 pounds recently and pretty much refuses to eat. She said that these ulcers are very painful and it's no surprise that he isn't eating. After a few tips and a new medication, she sent us on our way. But I have to say that she sent us on our way with great confidence. She made it a point to have me call if ANYTHING goes wrong. After our last ER visit, it is great to know this.

Did I mention that I absolutely ♥ Dr. Brent and Dr. Kate?

Wish us luck in this recovery! :D

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

David and Kelly Sopp...

...are the authors of this parenting "how to" book. It's not your ordinary parenting book. It comes complete with diagrams:

And an extra bonus! The Wheel of Responsibility! :D

This deinitely beats out any parenting book that I've ever read. And I've read quite a handful. Oh how I love that someone can make jokes while getting the point across.

Visit this site for more images.

You can also check out Amazon to purchase this book or view other "how-to" books from this couple.

Are you a citizen?

While browsing Facebook today, I came across an interesting link. Apparently being a US Citizen no longer means that you were actually born in the US. Now, I know you can "earn" your green card. Which techincally qualifies you as being a citizen. But buying your citizenship? That's insane!

It's true! If you have a million dollars (and hopefully other qualifications) you can buy your way into the US. It's explained clear as day here , on the USCIS website.

Call me racist, call me mean, call me whatever you want, but I think this is rediculous. I know America is a great place to live, but let that be our right. Let us enjoy OUR country. The country that we were BORN in.